Welcome to TaskThing

Step 1: Purchase TaskThing

Visit the Microsoft Store and purchase the TaskThing offer that suits your needs.

To purchase this SaaS offer:
  • Search for resources of type Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Search for your offer
  • Click Create to subscribe to the offer
  • Click Configure Account after the subscription created

Step 2: Activate Your Subscription

After purchasing TaskThing, head to the TaskThing landing page. Activate your subscription by following the provided instructions.

Step 3: Grant Permissions

During the activation process, you'll be prompted to grant TaskThing the necessary permissions. This includes accessing your MS Planner boards and tasks. To do so, head over to the TaskThing SaaS Application and login. You will be asked for all relevant permissions. An Admin User may also be required to grant consent to specific permission requests.

Step 4: Get Started with Linting

Once you've granted the required permissions and consent, TaskThing will start linting your MS Planner boards and tasks immediately.